2 Dec 2010

Hindu Rites, Rituals, Customs& Traditions

Omanand lent me a new book today, called Hindu Rites, Rituals, Customs&Traditions by Prem B. Bhalla and the following is taken from the preface, which got my attention straight away, as this is how I have been feeling for the last few years.

'Modern youth are in a hurry- to grow up, to acquire education, to work and get married, to own a vehicle and a home and, finally, to arrive. Arrive where? Most youth do not know. Nor do they know their ultimate goal in life.

Those who dare answer will tell you that they are trying to make the best of their life. When asked how, they are not too sure. They are in the run to find happiness. They seek this happiness from the many comforts available in modern society. But too soon they realise the things that ensured happiness yesterday do not do so today. The novelty has faded and everything appears ordinary.

The truth is that mankind is driven by desires, both good and bad. When one is achieved, it leads to another. It is an endless game. Every achievement brings temporary happiness. Every failure brings frustration and a feeling of hurt. Ultimately, one realises the futility of chasing happiness through desires of the body, mind and intellect.

There are millions of living beings around the world. Of these, life as a human being is the most precious.'


  1. I find this so interesting Vale, I never knew this about you but it's a great journey you are on, any spare places to get a ticket to this mystical train?

  2. I have written you in English three messages but I don't understand as it is sent. ci riprovo
    Good year Om Shanti, Shanti
    Today, sunday 9 jeanuary your mother went to my home...we have been very well I have done "strudel" for Riccardo that he loved so much.
    Kiss kiss when I will be sad I will look at your photos.
    claudia, chiara e francesca
