29 Nov 2010

Connected again!

We had no internet for a few days so today I finally managed to get my own connection and hopefully I'll be able to write more from now on.
Lots has been happening here and it's all good.
We were supposed to go to Omkareshwar this morning but Baba is not feeling well yet so the trip has been post'poned.
In the meantime I have been doing more reading on Indian Philosophy, Ma's teachings and Hinduism. I can't put the books down, it's all so fascinating and it all makes sense. The more I read on Ma the more I feel at peace. It's really difficult to explain and express what I am feeling but I guess the main news here is that I am really enjoying the spiritual path, and to my surprise I am not rejecting it, like it's always happened in Italy with Catholicism.

I am going to open the book shop now but I will write another post tonight and point out a few links to Ma and Baba, so what you ar reading will make more sense.

In the meantime, I wish you all a great day and send you a BIG hug.

23 Nov 2010

Yoga teaching

I started teaching Yoga to Kanchan, another friend I've made here.
She doesn't live in the Ashram but comes here everyday and takes me shopping and around Indore. She has livd in the UK for a while too.
So this morning we practiced in the hall and I was sursprised at how much I can actually teach! I enjoyed it so much. Looking forward to my teacher training in the new year.
Have no time to write now but just wanted to attach a picture of some flowers I got from Omanand. So sweet.
I feel like everyone can read my mind here, they all know what I like, what mood I am in an everytime without me even speaking.
Good day to all. Hugs, Vale.

21 Nov 2010

Full moon--just taken from the roof terrace.

मेरा नाम है भारती--My name is Bharti

The last few days have been magic. Suddenly everything started taking shape and lots of good things have happened.
Again, I would love to write as things happen but I just don't have the time and I also don't want to spoil the experience by being caught up in writing all the time.
But today I had to write as I now have been given an Indian name by Baba and I feel so honoured.
I did some service around the Ashram in the last few days, which consisted of cleaning the book shop, rearranging some stones around the tree behind the temple and dumping excess construction material outside the Ashram.
Baba started feeling better and came out a lot more, so one evening, following Omanand's suggestion, I asked him if I could be given a name by him.
He seemed pleased and the day after Omanand said my name was being worked on. He said 'you are now under observation' and smiled.
I have been learning so much from Omanand, on a dalily basis. He is so inspiring and peaceful. I feel blessed to be around such amazing people.

So last night Baba came out of his room and said to me 'what is your name?' and I replied 'Valentina' and he said 'and your Indian name?' so I said 'I don t know yet' and he said smiling 'Bharti!'. I was so happy, I love this name. It sounds so nice.
What really made me happy though is what the name actually means. As Sima and Omanand said Bharti is the Goddess Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge.

I have found the following: Goddess Saraswati is the goddess of knowledge, art and music, and wisdom. She represents the creative and inspirational aspect of Shakti.

And the other very good thing that happened is that just a few hours ago Baba was out in the temple again and as soon as I walked in to greet him he asked me how long I'd be here for. I said as loong as I am needed and then I will go to the other Ashram to start teaching. So he said that I will be in charge of opening and running the book shop of the Ashram, everyday from 11 to 12 and from 5pm to 7pm.
I don't know how this can happen but he can read my mind! It's always been my dream to work in a book shop. How did he know??

Below is a picture of Bharti.

I am also attaching pictures of my lovely new friends I have met in the Ashram. They make me feel at home and keep me a lot of company.

Some of the pictures are a bit out of focus because they have been taken by some of the students, who are still learning how to use the camera. They are learning quickly though!

big hug to all.

18 Nov 2010

Quick update---Aggiornamento veloce

Just a quick update to let you all know that I am doing very well and have reached the Ashram, but the one in Indore not Omkareshwar yet.
It's amazing and overwhelming! The sense of community here is something I'd never experienced before and makes me question life even more.
We wake up at 5.30am for the morning kirtan session, in which we chant and walk around the temple. It's soooooo energizing!
I will write more a bit later as I've got to go to lunch now but just wanted to drop a quick update to let everyone know I am doing well.
Hope the same the for you. Jai Ma!

Ciao a tutti,
un aggiornamento veloce per dirvi che sto bene e che ho finalmente raggiunto l'Ashram, ma quello a Indore non Omkareshwar. Andro' ad Omkareshwar tra qualche giorno.
La vita nell'Ashram e' qualcosa di stupendo e totalmente diverso da quello che potevo immaginare. Il senso di comunita' che si sente qui e' unico e mi sta facendo riflettere sulla vita e il modo di vivere in Europa ancora di piu'.
La sveglia e' alle 5.30 del mattino, per fare il giro del tempio e recitare i mantra. Da molta energia e l'atmosfera e' bellissima.
Scrivero' con piu' dettagli tra un po'.

Baci e abbracci Jai Ma!


13 Nov 2010

Bombay Virgin

Namaste everyone!
I got here safe and sound and am very happy. The flight from Rome to London was delayed by two hours for bad weather in London but eventually got to Heathrow and had just about 30 minutes to board the flight to Mumbai.

The flight went well, I slept pretty much the whole time.
Got to Bombay at around 11am the next day and it was HOT!!! Over 30 celsius.

Determined to leave the city straight away I asked about the 'express' train that I was supposed to take but they said it was all fully booked so I decided to go somewhere else first, completely random place I saw the name of on the map I have, why not? I never ever organise my trips so I would have been surprised if I had this time.

I got a tuk tuk to the bus station and the driver was a very funny man who tried to speak in English as much as he could. 'Your country?' and me 'Italy' driver 'ahhhh...Sonia Gandhi from Italy, nice' then he said 'Bombay Virgin?' ehmmm... I guess he meant is this your first time in Bombay so I said 'yes' and he laughed. After waiting 3 hours at this travel agent sort of shop I got on a VERY local bus, where I was the only foreigner! The bus took 5 hours and I reached Nasik, which on the map look s very near Bombay but nevertheless it took forever and I was exhausted.

Everyone has been amazingly friendly so far and I have met lots of locals who have taken me around and showed me many temples. Nasik is a magic place where lots of pilgrims come from all over to bathe in the sacred banks.
I was hoping to attach some pictures but the internet cafe where I am is very basic and I can't connect my camera to the pc but I promise I will upload some as soon as I can.

I've decided to take my time to reach the Ashram and make my way there slowly and very locally by bus. I have not seen one foreigner so far. It seems like I am the only one in this town....but it can't be, there must be some somewhere.... hmmm.

Speak soon.

Big hug to all, in particular to mum, dad, Riccardo and Lorenzo.

Ciao a tutti!!
Sono sana e salva e sono arrivata a Bombay dopo un titardo tra Roma Londra di 2 ore. Arrivata a Londra ho avuto solo circa 30 minuti per salire sul volo per Bombay.
Il volo e' andato bene e ho dormito quasi tutto il tempo.
Arrivata a Bombay ho chiesto per il treno per Indore (quello che ci avrebbe messo 15 ore per arrivare in un paese vicino il posto dove devo andare) ma era tutto pieno e cosi ho deciso di andare un un altro posto, un po' a caso, trovato sulla cartina! mi sono cosi diretta verso la stazione degli autobus e dopo aver aspettato in un negozietto di viaggio in autobus piccolo piccolo, ho preso un autobus estremamente vecchio e lento, su cui l'unica turista ero io!
Dopo 5 ore sono arrivata a Nasik, un posto molto carino dove vengono persone da tutta l'India per farsi il bagno nelle acque sacre qui. Ho conosciuto un sacco di persone carinissime che mi hanno portata in gir e mi hanno fatto vedere vari tempi. Ho deciso che raggiungero' Omkareshwar con il bus e lentamente, vediamo dove mi porta il vento!
Volevo allegare delle foto ma sono in un centro internet mooolto semplice e non ho modo di collegare il pc alla mia macchinetta. Comunque vi prometto di metter su delle foto appena posso.
La cosa curiosa di quesot posto comunque e' che finora non ho visto nemmeno un turista...sembro esserci solo io, ma puo' essere? bo'.

Un abbraccio a tutti in particolare a mamma, papa', Riccardo e Lorenzo.

10 Nov 2010

Details of the ashram where I'll be staying

For those who've asked where exactly I will be.

Dettagli del posto dove saro' per i primi mesi!


9 Nov 2010

Omkareshwar here I come!

Yesterday I woke up thinking I should do at least a bit of preparation for day one in India, instead of just showing up as I usually do when I travel.
I had a look at my lonely planet whilst having breakfast and found out there's an express night train from Mumbai to Indore and then I will have to do a bus from indore to Omkareshwar.
What surprised me though is that it will take the night train 15 hours to reach Indore!!! Wow... what better way to start this adventure?
Bring it on! I am ready. : )
Below is a picture of Omkareshwar, one of the holiest places in India, where I will be spending the initial 2 months in an Ashram, medidating, chanting and volunteering with the local kids.

6 Nov 2010


Welcome to my blog!
I will be spending the next 6 to 9 months travelling through magic India and this is an account of all my experiences. I hope you enjoy it! xxx Vale