3 Jun 2012

My new website is live!

I will be teaching yoga retreats here in Italy this summer and they are all on my new website

www.yogawithbharti.com   Please spread the word and come to one of the retreats if they take your

fancy. They are suitable for everyone and they will take place in a beautiful location here in the Italian

countryside, immersed in nature with great local organic food.

Love, Bharti

25 May 2012


Here we go again,

thinking I would stay in India til June and possibly longer, I took a detour on my way up to Omkareshwar and went from Gokarna to Puttapharti, finally!
I met someone who was on his way there and since I was stuck with no train tickets or no quick way to go up north, I thought yeah! Surely I would find a quicker train from Puttaparthi to Khandwa, right?
No...I was wrong again. I need to remember to surrender every minute and sometimes or actually very often I still forget and try to plan. Stop planning! my mind is still in office mode sometimes and my organisational and planning skills are hard to die.
Anyway, spent about 10 days I think in Sai Baba's Ashram with Giuliano, also from Italy, a devotee since a long time. I tried to get a ticket from there to Khandwa for 3 consecutive days. This means I waited in line at the station from 6am til 8,30am only to hear that there were no emergency tickets, let alone normal tickets. The thing is that with my non tourist visa I couldn't even get tourist fare.
I then completely let go and decided there must be something for me there and there must be a good reason why I wasn't able to make a move.
The ashram completely took me inside. Some days I couldn't even speak and just kept on giving myself reiki.
Then one day my father called and said I shoudl go back to Italy for my brother's graduation. Weirdly enough I had just looked at changing my ticket to surprise them all and just show up on the day of graduation, but it was way too expensive to change my ticket so I had given up immediately. Then my father insisted and got me a new ticket.... and that's when I realised why I hadn't been able to leave that place! So I went from Puttapharti to Chennai (where it all started 4 months ago--same airport I got to from Indore at the end of Dec for my Yoga Teacher Training) and then a long journey started. From Chennai I flew to Sri Lanka, where I waited the whole night til the next morning, then took a flight to MIilan and then after a few hours to Rome.
I spent the night at my father's place so that no one else knew I was there. I quickly dyed my hair with henna and tried the different sarees I had bought for the occasion. My father helped me and we were both going crazy with these 6 meters fabrics, so colourful and beautiful but so complicated.
Needless to say that when I showed up at the graduation the next day my mother almost had a heart attack! And it was sooooo nice to hug my brother on his graduation day. I was so happy to be there with everyone.
Here are some pictures

So as you can guess, I am now in Italy... after India and after London for 2 wks.  More posts to follow on my next project.
The bottom line of this post is that as long as I keep accepting whatever comes and happens I am peaceful and happy. Long gone are the days in which I would try to fight change of plans, because I discovered everything happens for a specific reason and even when it might not seem it's all for the best, it is in the long run. So all I have to do now is wait and see what happens! Plain simple.

Jai Ma Jai Ma Jai Ma
Sai Ram Sai Ram Sai Ram

18 May 2012

Let go

Let go has always been a big issue for me. And that's why I keep on being tested time after time, ruthlessly.
I need to let go of my attachments and slowly but surely I am improving. It's just that there are quite a few attachments still and sometimes it feels like neverending.
Today I need to let go of my adorable plants. They have been with me for many years, they have seen many houses I have lived in, some of them have gone ill and then come back to life, they have seen my happiest moments and also the saddest. They waited for me for the last two years, while I was in India they stayed here in London and grew even more beautiful. They welcomed me again a few days ago and they let me take care of them as if I had never left.
I am enjoying my days with them this week but as I get closer to my departure again I can't help feeling sad. They are alive and they always fascinate me. They are so strong, I envy them.
Plants for me are another reminder of how powerful nature is and how weak we are.
I would like to introduce them here.






17 May 2012


ricominciare tutto da capo. forse mi e' sfuggito qualcosa e ti ho sopravvalutato. o forse mi hai sottovalutata tu. ma non capisco, non capisco il perche' e il come. non ho processato quello che e' successo.

22 Apr 2012

Lost in the sweetness of the flow

I had the intention to keep a blog this year too and actually write more than last time but I ended up not writing at all!
I've learnt so much in the last few months. It's all got to do with surrendering and accepting whatever comes, so I didn't really realise I wasn't writing my blog. I just went with the flow and the flow took me to many places and people, many thoughts and powerful experiences, many internal and external changes, many doubts and fears....but in the end the flow took me home. And where is home? I've just had the realisation this morning that home is where the Self is, nowhere else. I spent the last two days thinking, crying, rethinking and analyzing the question 'where is home?'.
Home is everywhere and everyone. Home is every moment of the day, it's within, it's the present. It's everything we say or do, it's everything we think.

Love from Home

Persa nella dolcezza del flusso

Avevo  intenzione di scrivere su questo blog anche quest’anno, anzi scrivere di piu’, ma alla fine non ho scritto per niente.
Ho imparato tantissimo nei mesi scorsi. Ha tutto a che fare con accettare tutto cio’ che viene ed arrendersi, quindi in effetti non mi sono nemmeno accorta che non stavo scrivendo.
Mi sono lasciata andare e ho seguito il flusso e il flusso mi ha portata in molti posti, da molte persone, molti pensieri, esperienze  forti, molti cambiamenti interni ed esterni, molti dubbi e paure...ma alla fine il flusso mi ha portata a casa.
 E dov’e’ casa? Ho appena realizzato questa mattina che casa e’ dove si trova il Se’, in nessun altro posto.  Ho passato gli ultimi due giorni a pensare, piangere e ripensare ed analizzare la domanda ‘dove e’ casa?’.
Casa e’ ovunque e tutti.  Casa e’ tutti i moment della giornata,  e’ dentro,  e’ il presente.  E’ tutto cio’ che diciamo o facciamo.  E’ tutto cio’ che pensiamo.

Con amore da Casa.